Prof. Asha Panickerobtained her B Tech in 'Electronics Engineering' from Nagpur University,Maharashtra and MTech from Regional Engineering College, REC, Maharashtra, Nagpur (Now NIT)in 1989-91. She
Worked as Lecturer 1987-1989 University Selection. at M.P.I.E.T., Maharashtra, owned by Shri. Praful Patel, Cabinet Minister Government of India.
In 1991 she joined as Lecturer, University Selection at RKNEC (Now RCOEM), Nagpur University.
From 1991- 2004, worked in various capacity from Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, nominated as Member, Board of Studies, Electronics Engg., in a FIVE member committee, Nagpur University.
She was with Rajagiri School of Engg. & Technology from 2004-2012. She was heading the ECE Department and worked under various roles like teaching, student development programs (academic development, co curricular activities).
She has also been instrumental in setting up Laboratories; designing the course syllabus She has organized AICTE sponsored Faculty Development.
She has presented two papers in International conferences on Wireless technologies and Signal Processing 2011-2012.Her current research interests include Communication Engineering and Signal Processing